
Liang Dandan / Producer & Operations Director

Liang Dandan, MFA in Arts & Event Management, Hong Kong Academy For Performing Arts. Co-founder of Beijing Penghao Theatre (the first independent & non-profit theatre from China) and Beijing Nanluoguxiang Performing Arts Festival as program director & producer. During her term of office, Penghao won “The Golden Lion Award of best Chinese small theatre 2013”.

In the last 12 years of theatre making, she produced more than 30 productions, supported 300 international and local theatre artists to premier in Beijing. Altogether more than 50,000 people watched the shows she curated or produced. Dandan produced Pascal Rambert’s "Love’s End" in China (College de France, Lifetime Achievement Award, 2016); David Glass’s "Bleak House" (TMA Award for Best Director, UK,1993), Chong Wong’s "Where are we from 2.0, 2019", Rotozaza Theatre’s "Etiquette" mandarin version (2015,2019). Since 2019, she is the producer of Hou Ying Dance Theatre.

Dandan is also a theatre director and poet. Her collection of poems, "Suite: From Hong Kong to Beijing" was published by the Hong Kong Free Pen Association,2016.

梁丹丹 / 制作人 & 运营总监


在过去12年的剧场工作中,她制作了30部话剧作品,将超过300位中外艺术家的作品首次登上北京的舞台,累积已有50000人观看过她策划和制作的演出。她是“法兰西学院终身成就奖”得主帕斯卡尔 朗贝尔的《爱的落幕》《爱的开端》中文版制作人(2016,2017),“英国戏剧奖-最佳导演奖”得主大卫 格拉斯作品《荒凉山庄》中国大陆制作人(2018),王翀作品《我们从哪里来,我们到哪里去2.0》监制(2019),英国自动剧场Rotozaza《相请不如偶遇》普通话版制作人(2015,2019)。自2019年起,她作为“侯莹舞蹈剧场”制作人。

她同时也是剧场导演、诗人和表演者,导演作品包括:《我可怜的马拉特》《For the new one》《初见》《幻想的花园》等。她的诗集《组曲:从香港到北京》由“自由写作中文笔会”发表(2016)。

Yang Rui / Director & Photographer

Rui Yang is a senior director. He is able to handle variety styles of film, in addition, he also good at using image narrative.He ever worked as photography lecturer at communication university of China.Since 2006 he worked for TPSS and Gwantsi as signing director.In recent years, he works as a Free director cooperated with 4A advertising company.Service clients include INTEL,LENOVO, LG, SAMSUNG, MERCEDES and other brands.

After working on the film and television production techniques, he knew that all skills eventually need to go back to the creative origin, relative to the director's skill, he also works on the creative and emotional interaction between the audience.Since 2015,he cooperates with Hou Ying Dance Theater on video and photo.He is fascinated by contemporary dance and finds the possibility of the connection between body and thoughts.

杨锐 / 导演 摄影



Xie Wei / Costume Design

谢玮 / 项目统筹 & 服装设计

2016年加入侯莹舞蹈剧场,进行的统筹工作有《涂图》在中国的巡演,《悬浮》,《意外》,《云走》,《我觉得,我爱你》,《Alice in Bed》和2016北京设计周开幕演出等。

曾就读于香港浸会大学的文化产业管理,和英国中央圣马丁服装设计,回国后就职于北京雷动天下现代舞团,叶锦添工作室担任项目统筹,参与的项目有Akram Khan Company的Until the Lion, AKC & English National Ballet 合作的Giselle, 杨丽萍现代舞剧《十面埋伏》,东方大型诗意舞台剧《昭君出塞》,美剧《马可波罗第二季》,叶锦添法国个展Parallel等。在印度游历期间曾担任果阿即兴舞蹈节,和新德里Zorba中心的舞蹈治疗,舞动冥想等项目助理工作。

Liu Hengzhi / Lighting Design

刘恒志 / 舞台灯光设计

中国舞台美术学会会员,毕业于中国戏曲学院舞台美术系、舞台灯光设计专业 曾就职于北京当代芭蕾舞团,期间参与多部作品的演出工作,如《山海经传》、《莲》、《夜宴》、《野草》、《情·色》、《拾穗者》、《中间》等,及林兆华导演作品《建筑大师》、《老舍五则》、《说客》、《回家》,及李六乙导演作品《金锁记》、《安提戈涅》。多次赴美国、德国、英国、法国、意大利、西班牙、日本、新加坡、澳大利亚、以色列、墨西哥、哥伦比亚、厄瓜多尔、格鲁吉亚等多个国家交流演出,多次参加国内外知名艺术节。

Tian Jianping / Stage Design

田建平/ 舞台设计
